The zoo and avocado pasta

On Wednesday I went to the zoo with 2 of my friends and the little kids they are nannying this summer. Aside from it being insanely hot, it was a blast. Those kids were absolutely adorable. We saw a baby hippo. It was great.

I made a spur of the moment quick trip back up to Orlando Wednesday night-Thursday morning. I had to pick something up and got to see some friends and go to Andy’s frisbee game! Horror story: I picked up Panera to-go for dinner (Fuji Apple Salad) to eat while watching the game. 2 seconds after I sat down, some brute running to catch a friz stepped on it and smashed my bag with everything in it 😦 The plastic fork was completely shattered. I was able to salvage the salad and ended up eating my salad with the knife. No shame my friends.

Today for lunch I made this delicious pasta recipe. I added back in some of the pasta water while blending because the sauce was a little thick. I also topped it with a little parmesan. It was so yummy, refreshing, and a perfect lunch.



My dad’s birthday was on Tuesday (Happy Birthday Daddy! :))) but he has been gone on a business trip all week. So tonight when he gets home we are surprising him with a little party. (I love surprises.)

Why I love mornings

Mornings rock. Whenever I get my butt up for an early morning start my day always is way better. I am more productive, and I always feel like in the early mornings I am really able to stop and appreciate Gods creation πŸ™‚

I started my day with a run. I wanted to get it done with before it got too hot outside. Don’t worry I still came home a red faced monster. 1.5 miles done and followed by 10 minutes if abs.

After a cold shower I had breakfast. Bagel, fruit, and iced coffee that I saved in the fridge from yesterday’s Starbucks run.


A friend who is just as obsessed with Starbucks iced coffee as I am gave me that trick and it is the coolest most genius thing ever. Take your iced coffee and strain the ice out before it gets watered down. Then you’ve got it for the following morning when you don’t have time to go to Starbucks πŸ™‚ genius I tell you.

I went to babysit this morning, and went on a nice long walk with the cutie.


We sang “Bingo” for 45 minutes straight.

So many men and green juice

Confession: I love the bachelorette. Why is it so entertaining to watch men make fools of themselves for one girl? When they cry I loose it. So dramatic. Β Desiree is my new favorite bachelorette and tonight I finally picked my favorite men.

1) Chris



2. ) Zac W



3.) I dont have a number 3 yet. Brooks is okay but i get a girly vibe from him.. I also like Drew and Kasey but we will see πŸ™‚

Okay lets back up a couple hours. I went to the gym and did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then took a 60 min yoga class. It felt great. One of my goals this summer is to do more yoga. I love the challenge of a new position and getting more flexible. Wooooo yoga!

Came home and ate a quick pasta dinner alongside a naked juice.



Truth- I still haven’t QUITE hopped on board with the whole drink your veggies, green monster, looks gross tastes great thing. I can’t look at it while I drink it or else I get grossed out. However there is no denying that this stuff Β it is pretty darn tasty, and the fact that I am getting that many veggies in my system is more than enough for me to push through the nasty color πŸ˜‰ Not too bad not too bad at all.



Panera bagels are the bomb

Something so exciting happened yesterday! My mom started working out! I took her out and did day 1 of the couch to 5k program.

(Me and mi madre)

She did awesome and I can’t wait for her to love exercise (she kinda hates it right now but I told her she will love it soon.) I came home and did some core work that included 2 one minute planks, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, and leg ups (I don’t know the technical term for those but you know what I’m talking about.)

I had to rush because I had to go babysit. I was so excited to see this precious girl. I watched her full time last summer while her parents worked and grew to absolutely adore her.


She can talk now and was so grown up. We had a blast playing tea party and eating goldfish all night long πŸ˜‰

This morning I woke up and went to the grocery store with my mom. I had a quick breakfast and headed out the door.

(Mixed berry Greek yogurt with granola)

We stopped by Panera to pick up bagels for tomorrow morning. We have family friends staying the night at out house and so basically that was an excuse to get the most delicious bagels on the planet. YUM.

I came home and made a sandwich with toasted Ezekial bread (nutrition punch!) buffalo deli chicken, provolone, tomato, and romaine. Baby carrots on the side!

Superman and a smoothie

Last night the bf and I went to dinner and a movie. Classic date right? We hardly ever go to the movies so this was pretty fun. We had plans to see World War Z (hello Brad Pitt) but it was sold out. So we saw Superman instead. It was GREAT. And I’m not just saying that because Henry Cavill is a hunky man of steel. πŸ˜‰


I’m headed back home to Tampa for the summer today. I am excited to be with my familia. And most of my friends are already back there so I’m happy about that.

I spent my morning packing everything up. It was ridiculously hot outside and so a smoothie sounded like the perfect breakfast!

Peanut butter mocha smoothie
– 1 large frozen banana
– scoop of chocolate protein powder
– teaspoon of dark cocoa powder
– handful of oats
-1 packet of instant coffee
– Large spoonful of peanut butter
– enough milk to get it moving

Nutritional and filling!

Rice krispies and the cutest duck family

Successful shopping trip. A few new bathing suits were purchased in honor of summer starting. And when they are usually $50 and on sale for $14.99, I can’t say no. Thank you semi annual sale πŸ™‚

Me and Andy had our small group to go to last night. Girls had to bring sweet snacks, and boys brought salty. Excuse to bake? Yes please. To my “yummy” pinterest board I go! While I was out running to the grocery store to pick a few things up I HAD to stop at the froyo place. Cake batter and Blueberry froyo with kiwi, strawberries, coconut, and yogurt chips


I decided to make these cake batter rice krispies. Easy peasy and anything that has sprinkles is a win in my book.

ss7ingred(Anything with these ingredients is gonna be good.)


Next time I want to try adding white chocolate chips. Or moms. The more sweets combined into delicious bars the better.

Some girl brought oreo truffles…. I think those probably outshone my contribution but Andy was happy because that means we got to bring the leftover rice krispies home πŸ˜‰

This morning Andy took me out for breakfast at First Watch and these little guys were chillin outside the restaurant.


The only thing better than seeing that cuteness in the morning was when the waitress brought this heaven on a plate to me.


Now if that isn’t a great way to start your day, I don’t know what is.

It is officially summer

This morning I had my last final of the summer semester. Wooopdeedoooo!


(This is my I am so happy that I am officially on summer vacation face)

Oatmeal was my breakfast of choice this morning. I don’t love oatmeal, but every once in a while it is the only thing that sounds good to me in the morning. This morning I went the OIAJ (oats in a jar) way aka the best way. (I am obsessed kinda like peanut butter.)


Cinnamon Honey Oats in a Jar

  • 1 cup NF milk
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • half a sliced banana
  • drizzle of cinnamon honey

(This honey is the bomb. I got it in South Carolina on a vacation, but you could always just put some normal honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon on it.)


I am currently at Starbucks with a Carmel Macchiato in hand about to head to Victorias secret to check out the semi annual sale. πŸ˜€ A little girl just fell and bumped her head and is screaming crying and I want to go pick her up and hug her but I feel as though her mother might not be okay with a strange girl soothing her daughter. Maybe creepy? I am obsessed with little kids. The cuteness gets me every time.

First Post

Hi blog land!! I have become quite the professional blog stalker for about a year now, and finally decided to hop on board!!! So let me just say welcome to Sprinkleznstuff! (even though the only person probably reading this is my mom.) Hi mom πŸ™‚


The meaning behind the name of my blog is that sprinkles are my favorite item in the world. I think that along with being the most delicious thing one can consume, the word itself also has a nice ring to it. So I figured it would make a good name for my bloggy blog!

ss1 Excuse the creepy face, I was excited about the gigantic ice cream cone.